Friday, April 21, 2023

Beautiful ❤️ boys video

 Beautiful boy viral video in. Different site

If our village were one, in return for your disloyalty
 Thresher would turn towards your house
Unfaithful people

Now everyone sees you
Someone is waiting for someone

There is great joy in the heart
Love is like a prison in the chest

Remembering is a wonderful thing
Forgetting is one's masterpiece

You have drowned in such a whirlpool
Where is the river easily crossed?

Someone tell us that I love first
Accept or deny

How to play Hum Bazi against you?
Even if you win, you lose

Zalf Yar has taught us sadness
There is also a refinement in delicacy


What was my wish?
That if it is only mine
Jon Elie ---💔

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Boys picture New 😉

  Trending boys beautiful picture New  We were swept away in your love. We have endured the sorrows of life. We cherished the love we had fo...